Thursday, March 14, 2013

Time changed...I didn't!

Is it me or have the time keepers been moving the official "time change calculator" a bit.  It seems like DST arrived earlier this year.  No wouldn't matter where it landed, I'm NEVER prepared nor does my body respond well to it.  All week it feels like I'm running to catch up to father time.  My chickadee rhythm (or whatever its called) is totally fried.  I'm waking up every hour through the night.  REM sleep??? Not in this man's regimen!  Why can't the time freaks leave time alone!!!  If you like daylight savings so much, leave it there.   Please stop the EST/DST insanity.  Whomever had the original idea, should have his/her eyelids pinned open.  Never mind... I'm sure the originator is long gone...dead...from lack of sleep!

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