Monday, March 06, 2006

Cold / Flu Season

Well it seems the Cold / Flu season is peaking right about now. This year's Cold is a real hang-arounder. It's been lasting 2-3 weeks with a real nasty cough.

Your choices for relief include your doctor and/or the drug store. Now your doctor has been trained to say: "Well you've got that nasty cold that's been going around. All you can do is wait it out. Don't forget your copay at the front desk."

Thanks Doc! I should have paid MYSELF his fee.

The Pharmacy isn't much better. My last count came up with roughly 50 over-the-counter "remedies" for the common cold or flu symptoms, none of which actually do anything but mask the symptoms and take all your money.

You know, every year my late father looks more and more intelligent. When he used to get a cold, he'd take a shot of blackberry brandy, sometimes two or three! Did it cure or slow down the cold? No. But after two or three shots of blackberry brandy... you pretty much didn't care.