Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Why do people clip their toenails over a waste basket? How many nails ever truly land in the basket? I'm guessing fewer than 5. The other fly off in various directions to be found at a later date.

I find them in the rug, usually when I'm in my barefeet... VERY painful. Have you ever been lazy enough to put off cutting the toenail only to find it two weeks later in your sock. When I was younger and could raise my leg higher than I can now, I used to attempt to bite off my toenails. It never worked as good as biting fingernails did. It looked funnier too.

Well, I've just finished clipping my nails - I'm almost positive one flew off into the jello on the counter. Time will tell.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yum! Toenail Jello!
