Wednesday, November 09, 2005

And they wonder why...

Am I they only one who is baffled by the US school system. Your child is told to use a calculator during math homwork and tests! WHAT!!! This is why American children are getting dumber and dumber in the world math arena. Ask them to do a math problem longform on paper and they look at you like you asked them to give up their PS2 for an hour.

Have you been to the stores lately? Notice after you give the cashier your money, she looks at the register which tells her how much change you should get back. I mean come on America, WAKE UP. The next generation won't be able to function if the power goes out or they run out of batteries.

Want to have some fun? Go to a drive thru, order, than drive up to the window and pay for your bounty. Make sure you hand the dude at the window that penny, so you don't get a bunch of pennies back. I swear I did just that last weekend and the cashier finally called the manager over to ask what to do with the extra penny.

I guess it's good we are going toward a debit card society. I hope my fast food friend figures out which side of the card to swipe by the time I visit next time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now this one was funny.