Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The Day After

Phew... managed to survive another Halloween. I just hate a bunch of strange kids ringing my bell and interrupting my "relaxing" time. This year I put my 15 year old outside to scare the little monsters. Obviously he can be had. He'd only jump out at them AFTER they had been to the door. What good is that?! He must have been paid in candy, after the fact.

I think Halloween is slowly going the way of the Delorean. Each year I buy about the same amount of candy. Each year I have more candy than the previous year, left over.

Not to worry... that's why we all take the candy to work the next day. We need to share the guilt of eating goodies with others.

Next year I have a fool proof plan to finally get the "rest" I desire on Halloween. If they manage to get by my barbed wire, I'll have some delicious moldy candy for them.

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