Monday, February 27, 2006

Winter Olympics

Is it just me or did the Winter Olympics hold no or little interest this year? I didn't have an uncontrolable desire to watch much. Apparently I was not alone. NBC was trounced in the ratings by American Idol, Survivor and Dancing with the Stars! Well what do you expect when they decide Curling is an olympic "sport". How does 4 men going 100mph down an icy trough compare to a bunch of guys sliding on one knee aiming an over-sized tea kettle at other over-sized tea kettles in a circle? Sorry the"sport" in that escapes me.

The Olympics needs an extreme makeover! Bring in Ty Pennington! Let's give the participants more of a challenge. The skaters will have to rough it with dull blades and no way to stop. Bobsleds? Those folks must face backwards. Downhill ski people should have to negotiate boulders place in their path.

Oh yeah and those Curling champs should have to play Bocce Ball... on ice!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


What Olympics?