Monday, February 06, 2006

Phone Home

Guys with clipboards make me want to run the other way. However, this guy had me trapped between my car and the garage. (Crafty, huh?) So, I would be forced to talk with him. He indentified himself as working for SBC. His first question, I suppose to double check that he indeed had the correct house, "Do you have service through us?" I couldn't resist... you're SBC, you send me a bill every month but you don't know if I have service with you?! (At this point the moron bell sounded in my head.) Before he could catch his breath, I answered no I don't. Now I could see his eyes start to glaze over. My next shot went something like: Well aren't you now AT&T? So technically I have my phone service through them not SBC.

He let that one slide and moved on to his next question. (probably wishing he had taken a job delivering papers instead of running into butt heads like me.) Do you have long distance with us? My response... I don't know anybody that far away. Besides, if I did, I'd just use one of the three cell phones in my house to call. It's included in the monthly fees.

Mr. SBC's final questions - do you have a computer...YEP Do you have internet with us...NOPE, I'm into speed! As he walked away (I thought I saw him shaking his head as he did) I yelled...Hey if you guys ever offer TV... I'll save you the trip. I have Satellite.

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