Thursday, December 22, 2005

Stocking Stuffers

Why is it so hard to find stocking stuffers? In most circles I'm considered a good shopper. Yet every year during the holiday season I panic when the wife says, "If you see some stocking stuffers, pick them up."

Right... I'll just drive over to the stocking stuffer outlet and browse the thousands of items they have for sale. Oh don't get me wrong, I give it my best shot. Some stores even label items with a giant sign MAKES A GREAT STOCKING STUFFER. Of course when I look what's under the sign it's usually a pair of socks or gloves or chocolate.

I'm looking for the good stuff. You know the stuff that my parents used to put in my stocking. Little toys, candies & gadgets. Now-a-days even if you find items you like, it will cost you $100 just to fill a stocking!

Two things need to happen before next year. I need an honest to goodness list of great stocking stuffers (not a sales pitch by some toy manufacturer). Then, I need a ONE STOP place to purchase the items I choose from that list.

If someone can't get that going before next Christmas, the stockings may become soot under Santa's boots!


Anonymous said...

Stocking stuffers are one of my favorite things! I pick them up all year long as I see cool stuff. There is no "list" for stocking stuffers, only rule is it has to fit!

Good luck next year Darlin'!

Anonymous said...

Here's my advice: stick with some of the same items every year. Things like a new cool toothbrush, fun bandaids (ie. tatoos/Spiderman/etc.), a DVD, fancy coffee.. not cheap, but fun AND actually useful. Plus, the kids look forward to the "tradition" of it all.
Also, I often find candy in creative Christmasy packaging at none other than Rite Aide! Forget the days of cheap...there is no such thing any more...