Sunday, December 04, 2005

Christmas Tree

Well, I see I'm not posting every day. This time of year takes up so much of my time. BUT, tonight I blog!

It was Christmas tree day yesterday. A time when the family climbs into the car and takes off towards one of a thousand Christmas Tree lots to find THE tree.

I dread this day because #1 son and Mom can never quite agree on which tree is THE tree. We arrived at our destination and I was determined to make it a "quickie" if only to preserve what feeling I had left in my cold toes. We dive into the tall green populace and I spot a possible right off the bat. Let's turn it around...NOPE it has a big open spot in the back. We drag down three more rows before I spot it. We do the spin trick... it passed with flying colors. How could we be so lucky this year? All agreed that this was the tree and it only took about 10 minutes. To top it off, the cost was a full $20 less than last year's tree.

Up to the front to have THE tree prepped for a trip home. Lower branches trimmed...check. Fresh cut on the trunk... check. Wrap it in plastic netting... check. We were handed the price sticker to take inside and pay for it, while the nice helper person stood it up in the corner for us. We took the opportunity while inside to pick out a minature tree for my wife's desk at work.

I'm just delighted that all this took a mere half hour of my time. Out we parade ready to grab our tree, stuff it in the trunk and head for home. Oh no! Someone else had picked up our PERFECT tree and took it home thinking it was the one they had picked out.

So - back to the jungle, with much less enthusiasm to try to find another perfect tree. There really is no other perfect tree. We had already found it! So we came home with a less than perfect tree and decorated it with deflated joy.

Next year - ARTIFICIAL! I mean it!

1 comment:

Karen said...

Ouch. That has to hurt. Sorry to hear about your "perfect" tree getting snapped out from under your hands. Bummer.