Saturday, October 28, 2006

Year In The Making

I've been toying with the idea of a new header image for this blog for over a year. I finally decided it was time to make the move.

I think it kind of goes with the new look of the page. I'm still not sure of white on black although I've had several comments at work telling me how good it looks. So, I guess I'll stick with this for a while. I've got two more headers waiting in the wings, IF I get tired of this one.

Some days I wish wives were like that. If you get tired of the head you were talking to, you have the option of switching heads. It would be a nice change of pace.

Same nagging - different face... I just scared myself.


Anonymous said...

Oooooh...did you make that yourself? Looks nifty!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the new look! You did a fabulous job!
I'm a little worried about the wife head swap though........