Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Hold That Tiger!

So what if Tiger Woods backed into a fire hydrant! So what if his wife landed a 9-iron to his jaw! So what if he has slept with enough women to grow his own baseball team!

When did people's "personal" lives, trials, failures, and stupidities make such big news? Like none of this stuff ever went on any time in history. Why don't the legitimate news organizations get back to news reporting and leave the gossip to the store checkout rags. Oh, that's right... we don't care about boring news, we want the juicey stuff with pictures if you can. Get that telephoto lens cleaned and point it in a window a thousand yards away. Fuzzy naked people that you can't make out is better than nothing at all!!! Gossip sells - straight news doesn't.

Good Grief, If you just can't give up garbage news, at least go back to the days of hot headlines like: ALIENS ABDUCTED MY COW - THEN RETURNED HER THREE WEEKS LATER WITH NEON GREEN UDDERS.

Give me more of those and Hold The Tiger!