Sunday, February 25, 2007


As I look back over the years of innovation, we have truly seen some remarkable steps forward. Television, fax machines, overnight deliveries, computers, the internet, CDs, DVDs, digital music, and, of course, the personal communication device known as the cell phone.

There is one developement that defies logic... text messaging! Why are so many people so excited about this form of communication? Tapping out your message with two fingers on a mini keypad is counter progress. Would you be so excited if you were told that we were doing away with all keyboards and computers and going back to typewriters and the US mail? I'm guessing you'd complain about going backwards... kinda like anti-innovation.

Kinda like - text messaging!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Water Displacement #40

We've all heard of WD-40. I'm sure every household has a least one can sitting on a shelf somewhere. I was amazed that folks use it for something more than lubricant. Don't act like you've tried some of these. I know you didn't know any more than me. Ready?

It gives floors that just waxed sheen without making it slippery
Restores and cleans blackboards
Removes tomato stains from clothing
Keeps the bathroom mirror from fogging
Removes all traces of duct tape
Spray it on your arms, hands and knees to relieve arthritis pain (OK that's weird)
Keeps pigeons off the balcony - they hate the smell (So do I)

There are plenty more. The one that weirds me out?
It keeps flies off cows!

Flies off cows? Who on earth discovered that one? I'm thinking that guy is hanging out in the barn just a little too much.