Here's a silly thought that popped into my head. Does anyone actually count? I mean like when you buy a roll of paper towels and it says 90, two-ply sheets. Has anyone ever counted the sheets? How about over-the-counter pills? The bottle says 100 pills but has anyone actually opened the bottle and counted them?
Companies could be ripping off Joe Consumer! Just think, if the company that supplied America with the 100 pill bottle, actually put only 99 pills in... One-hundred bottles later, they'd have an extra 100 pills. That would be enough to fill one more bottle! (with 1 pill to spare.)
Makes you wonder, doesn't it.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
39 days...
Thirty-nine consecutive days of above average tempertures came to a crashing halt yesterday. The green grass turned white with ice and snow. Winter has finally arrived. My drive to work was filled with unplowed roads and very slow cars.
Well, except for one idiot who just had to be going faster than the rest of us sane people. All we saw was a blur of slammed on brake lights and fishtailing. And then he was gone...
I'll never understand why people like that exist but I'm sure they are the same ones that continually push the "close door" button on the elevator!
Well, except for one idiot who just had to be going faster than the rest of us sane people. All we saw was a blur of slammed on brake lights and fishtailing. And then he was gone...
I'll never understand why people like that exist but I'm sure they are the same ones that continually push the "close door" button on the elevator!
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